Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Higher Self

I am an upbeat, happy person...generally.  I do my best to see the brighter side of things.  Let's just be real's not always easy seeing the beauty in a rose, sometimes we pay more attention to the thorns.
So when I'm having difficulty seeing the silver lining, I pray to God for assistance, like many of us do. Yes, Lord!  Let the spirit of God to do it's thing!  In an instant, I'm back on track.
However, it seems as though there are people in my life that love to speak of negativity, aka 'reality' as they call it. Sometimes, I allow them to push my buttons, and drag me into what I feel is a toxic existence. 
It bothers me though, that I allow this. (See this is where I'm growing, because it doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to.)  :-) 

How should I handle this?
Since my outlook on the situation is what makes it positive or negative, then I choose to rise above the madness!  It's not negative!  It's all just pure loving energy passing through. I don't know the full story, and I don't need to know. All I do know, is that God is at work. That's what's real to me.

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